Setup Traffic Shaping

For this how-to we will look into these scenario’s:

  1. Reserve dedicated bandwidth for a realtime traffic such as (hosted) Voice Over IP (VOIP) server.
  2. Share internet bandwidth amongst users evenly
  3. Limit maximum internet bandwidth users can consume
  4. Prioritize Applications (Weighted) using Queues
  5. Multi Interface shaping for a GuestNet

Reserve dedicated bandwidth

In this scenario we will create a pipe dedicated for traffic going to and coming from our realtime application. For the sample we presume a SIP trunk or hosted Voice Over IP (VOIP) server.

For this example we presume a requirement of 4 uncompressed voice channels of 64Kbps, resulting in a total bandwidth of 256Kbps. The internet connection in this example has 10Mbps Download and 1Mbps Upload.

Shaping hosted VOIP / SIP trunk sample

To start go to Firewall->Traffic Shaper->Settings.

Step 1 - Create Upload and Download Pipes

On the Pipes tab click the + button in the lower right corner. An empty Edit Pipe screen will popup.

Create Pipe For Upload (To our VOIP Server)

enabled Checked Check to enable the pipe
bandwidth 256 Numeric value of the desired bandwidth
bandwidth Metric Kbit/s Metric to use with the numeric value
mask (Empty) Used for auto queueing, empty for our sample
description PipeUp-256Kbps Free field, enter something descriptive

Create Pipe For Upload (Other Traffic = 1024Kbps - 256Kbps = 768Kbps)

enabled Checked Check to enable the pipe
bandwidth 768 Numeric value of the desired bandwidth
bandwidth Metric Kbit/s Metric to use with the numeric value
mask (Empty) Used for auto queueing, empty for our sample
description PipeUp-768Kbps Free field, enter something descriptive

Create Pipe For Download (From our VOIP Server)

enabled Checked Check to enable the pipe
bandwidth 256 Numeric value of the desired bandwidth
bandwidth Metric Kbit/s Metric to use with the numeric value
mask (Empty) Used for auto queueing, empty for our sample
description PipeDown-256Kbps Free field, enter something descriptive

Create Pipe For Download (Other Traffic = 10240Kbps - 256Kbps = 9984Kbps )

enabled Checked Check to enable the pipe
bandwidth 9984 Numeric value of the desired bandwidth
bandwidth Metric Kbit/s Metric to use with the numeric value
mask (Empty) Used for auto queueing, empty for our sample
description PipeDown-9984Kbps Free field, enter something descriptive

Step 2 - Create Rules

On the Rules tab click the + button in the lower right corner. An empty Edit rule screen will popup.

Create a rule for traffic directed towards the VOIP Server (Upload).

sequence 11 Auto generated number, overwrite only when needed
interface WAN Select the interface connected to the internet
proto ip Select the protocol, ip in our example
source any The source ip to shape, leave on any
src-port any The source port to shape, leave on any
destination The ip address of our VOIP server
dst-port any Use any of the destination port if static
target PipeUP-256Kbps Select the Upload 256Kbps Pipe
description ShapeVOIPUpload Enter a descriptive name

Create a rule for traffic coming from the VOIP Server (Download).

sequence 21 Auto generated number, overwrite only when needed
interface WAN Select the interface connected to the internet
proto ip Select the protocol, ip in our example
source The ip address of our VOIP server
src-port any The source port to shape, leave on any
destination any The destination ip to shape, leave on any
dst-port any The destination port to shape, leave on any
target PipeDown256Kbps Select the Download 256Kbps Pipe
description ShapeVOIPDown Enter a descriptive name

Create a rule for all other internet upload traffic

sequence 31 Auto generated number, overwrite only when needed
interface WAN Select the interface connected to the internet
proto ip Select the protocol, ip in our example
source The source ip’s to shape, our LAN network
src-port any The source port to shape, leave on any
destination any the destination address, leave in any
dst-port any Use any of the destination port if static
target PipeUp-768Kbps Select the Upload 256Kbps Pipe
description ShapeUpload Enter a descriptive name

Create a rule for all other internet download traffic

sequence 41 Auto generated number, overwrite only when needed
interface WAN Select the interface connected to the internet
proto ip Select the protocol, ip in our example
source any The source ip to shape, leave on any
src-port any The source port to shape, leave on any
destination The destination ip’s to shape, our LAN network
dst-port any The destination port to shape, leave on any
target PipeDown-9984Kbps Select the Download 256Kbps Pipe
description ShapeDown Enter a descriptive name


Be aware of the sequence! It is important to make sure the right traffic is passed to the right pipe.

Now press apply to activate the traffic shaping rules.

Screenshot Rules


Share bandwidth evenly

For this example we presume an internet connection of 10Mbps Download and 1Mbps Upload that we want to share evenly over all users.

Shaping hosted VOIP / SIP trunk sample

To start go to Firewall->Traffic Shaper->Settings.

Step 1 - Create Upload and Download Pipes

On the Pipes tab click the + button in the lower right corner. An empty Edit Pipe screen will popup.

Create Pipe For Upload

enabled Checked Check to enable the pipe
bandwidth 1 Numeric value of the desired bandwidth
bandwidth Metric Mbit/s Metric to use with the numeric value
mask destination Select destination to share the bandwidth
description PipeUp-1Mbps Free field, enter something descriptive

Create Pipe For Download

enabled Checked Check to enable the pipe
bandwidth 10 Numeric value of the desired bandwidth
bandwidth Metric Mbit/s Metric to use with the numeric value
mask destination Select destination to share the bandwidth
description PipeDown-10Mbps Free field, enter something descriptive

Step 2 - Create Rules

On the Rules tab click the + button in the lower right corner. An empty Edit rule screen will popup.

Create a rule for traffic directed towards the internet (Upload).

sequence 11 Auto generated number, overwrite only when needed
interface WAN Select the interface connected to the internet
proto ip Select the protocol, ip in our example
source The source ip to shape, select the LAN network
src-port any The source port to shape, leave on any
destination any The destination to shape, leave on any
dst-port any Use any of the destination port if static
target PipeUp-1Mbps Select the Upload 256Kbps Pipe
description ShapeUpload Enter a descriptive name

Create a rule for traffic coming from the internet (Download).

sequence 21 Auto generated number, overwrite only when needed
interface WAN Select the interface connected to the internet
proto ip Select the protocol, ip in our example
source any The source address, leave on any
src-port any The source port to shape, leave on any
destination The destination ip to shape, select LAN network
dst-port any The destination port to shape, leave on any
target PipeDown-10Mbps Select the Download 256Kbps Pipe
description ShapeDownload Enter a descriptive name

Now press apply to activate the traffic shaping rules.

Screenshot Rules


Limit bandwidth per user

For this example we will divide the internet Download traffic between the connected users in such manner that each user will receive up to a maximum of 1Mbps.

Simple network diagram

To start go to Firewall->Traffic Shaper->Settings.

Step 1 - Create Upload and Download Pipes

On the Pipes tab click the + button in the lower right corner. An empty Edit Pipe screen will popup.

Create Pipe For Download

enabled Checked Check to enable the pipe
bandwidth 1 Numeric value of the desired bandwidth
bandwidth Metric Mbit/s Metric to use with the numeric value
mask source Select source to limit bandwidth per client
description PipeDown-1Mbps Free field, enter something descriptive

Step 2 - Create Rules

On the Rules tab click the + button in the lower right corner. An empty Edit rule screen will popup.

Create a rule for traffic coming from the internet (Download).

sequence 21 Auto generated number, overwrite only when needed
interface WAN Select the interface connected to the internet
proto ip Select the protocol, ip in our example
source any The source address, leave on any
src-port any The source port to shape, leave on any
destination The destination ip to shape, select LAN network
dst-port any The destination port to shape, leave on any
target PipeDown-1Mbps Select the Download 256Kbps Pipe
description ShapeDownload Enter a descriptive name


If you want to limit traffic for a single ip then just enter the ip address in the destination field instead of the full LAN network range.

Now press apply to activate the traffic shaping rules.

Screenshot Rules


Prioritize using Queues

By utilizing queues we can influence the bandwidth within a pipe and give certain applications more bandwidth than others based on a weighted algorithm.

The idea is simple: Let presume we have a pipe of 10Mbps and 2 applications for instance smtp (email) and http(s). The http(s) traffic will get a weight of 1 and the smtp traffic a weight of 9, then when all capacity of our pipe is in use the email traffic will get 9x more bandwidth than our http(s) traffic, resulting in 1Mbps for http(s) and 9Mbps for smtp.

For our example we only look at download traffic, but the exact same can be done for the upload traffic.

Application Weight Minimum Bandwidth
SMTP (port 25) 9 9Mbps
HTTP (80) 1 1Mbps
HTTPS (443)

To start go to Firewall->Traffic Shaper->Settings.

Step 1 - Create Download Pipe

On the Pipes tab click the + button in the lower right corner. An empty Edit Pipe screen will popup.

Create Pipe For Download (10Mbps)

enabled Checked Check to enable the pipe
bandwidth 10 Numeric value of the desired bandwidth
bandwidth Metric Mbit/s Metric to use with the numeric value
mask (empty) Leave empty
description PipeDown-10Mbps Free field, enter something descriptive

Step 2 - Create Queues

On the Queues tab click the + button in the lower right corner. An empty Edit queue screen will popup.

Create Queue for SMTP

enabled Checked Check to enable the pipe
pipe PipeDown-10Mbps Select our Pipe
weight 9 Weight to use with the numeric value
mask (empty) Leave empty
description Queue-SMTP Free field, enter something descriptive

Create Queue for HTTP

enabled Checked Check to enable the pipe
pipe PipeDown-10Mbps Select our Pipe
weight 1 Weight to use with the numeric value
mask (empty) Leave empty
description Queue-HTTP Free field, enter something descriptive

Step 3 - Create Rules

On the Rules tab click the + button in the lower right corner. An empty Edit rule screen will popup.

Create a rule for smtp download traffic (email)

sequence 11 Auto generated number, overwrite only when needed
interface WAN Select the interface connected to the internet
proto ip Select the protocol, ip in our example
source any The source address, leave on any
src-port smtp The source port to shape, smtp or 25
destination any The destination ip to shape, leave on any
dst-port any The destination port to shape, leave on any
target Queue-SMTP Select the SMTP queue
description ShapeSMTPDownload Enter a descriptive name

Create a rule for http download traffic

sequence 21 Auto generated number, overwrite only when needed
interface WAN Select the interface connected to the internet
proto ip Select the protocol, ip in our example
source any The source address, leave on any
src-port http The source port to shape, http or 80
destination any The destination ip to shape, leave on any
dst-port any The destination port to shape, leave on any
target Queue-HTTP Select the HTTP queue
description ShapeHTTPDownload Enter a descriptive name

Adding an extra rule for https traffic is simple as we can use the same http queue if we like:

sequence 31 Auto generated number, overwrite only when needed
interface WAN Select the interface connected to the internet
proto ip Select the protocol, ip in our example
source any The source address, leave on any
src-port https The source port to shape, https or 443
destination any The destination ip to shape, leave on any
dst-port any The destination port to shape, leave on any
target Queue-HTTP Select the HTTP queue
description ShapeHTTPSDownload Enter a descriptive name

This way http and https traffic will be treated the same (total max of 1Mbps).

Now press apply to activate the traffic shaping rules.

Screenshot Rules


Multi Interface shaping for a GuestNet

One of the options with Garcinia’s traffic shaper is its ability to add shaping rules based upon two interfaces. This option allows you to shape traffic differently based on the direction the traffic is moving between interfaces.

For this example we will use this functionality to share a symmetric 10Mbps internet connection between a primary LAN network and a Guest Network.

The LAN network will not be limited, traffic from users on our Guest Network will be limited to a total of 2Mbps Download and 1Mbps Upload.

Simple network diagram

Step 1 - Create Upload and Download Pipes

On the Pipes tab click the + button in the lower right corner. An empty Edit Pipe screen will popup.

Create Pipe For Upload (GuestNet - em2)

enabled Checked Check to enable the pipe
bandwidth 1 Numeric value of the desired bandwidth
bandwidth Metric Mbit/s Metric to use with the numeric value
mask (Empty) Leave empty
description PipeUp-1Mbps Free field, enter something descriptive

Create Pipe For Download (GuestNet - em2)

enabled Checked Check to enable the pipe
bandwidth 2 Numeric value of the desired bandwidth
bandwidth Metric Mbit/s Metric to use with the numeric value
mask (Empty) Leave empty
description PipeDown-2Mbps Free field, enter something descriptive

Step 2 - Create Rules

On the Rules tab click the + button in the lower right corner. An empty Edit rule screen will popup.

Important - Before you continue!
First change the mode to advanced, see the toggle in the left top corner of the popup dialog. One click should shift it from red (disabled) to green (enabled).

Create a rule for the download traffic

sequence 11 Auto generated number, overwrite only when needed
interface WAN Select the interface connected to the internet
interface2 GuestNet Select the interface that matches your GuestNet
proto ip Select the protocol, ip in our example
source any The source address, leave on any
src-port any The source port to shape, leave on any
destination any The destination ip to shape, leave on any
dst-port any The destination port to shape, leave on any
direction in Match incoming packages (download)
target PipeDown-2Mbps Select the Download pipe
description GuestNetDownload Enter a descriptive name

Create a rule for the upload traffic

sequence 21 Auto generated number, overwrite only when needed
interface WAN Select the interface that matches your GuestNet
interface2 GuestNet Select the interface connected to the internet
proto ip Select the protocol, ip in our example
source any The source address, leave on any
src-port any The source port to shape, leave on any
destination any The destination ip to shape, leave on any
dst-port any The destination port to shape, leave on any
direction out Match incoming packages (download)
target PipeUp-1Mbps Select the Download pipe
description GuestNetUpload Enter a descriptive name

Now press apply to activate the traffic shaping rules.